

  • 中藥品牌識別系統設計|沖泡茶包包裝設計

舒植萃 -「Soilavie」一字,是由法文Soil、La vie兩字組成,意義著「大地」與「生命」之間共處共榮,也象徵自然生息與友善環境之間的緊密關係。標準字體以草本植物纖細、柔美的姿態為出發點,筆畫柔軟,仿莖及葉柄的柔美,同時為加強漢方印象,筆畫仿古杯器呈現。整體帶著草本植物剛毅及柔美。 包裝部分以動物呈現各支產品的特色,並與少女角色互動,整體清新自然,帶有夢幻、童話氣息。

• 舒適輕:少女乘著白鴿飛上高空,呼出凝結的冷空氣,俯瞰低空群山、山谷間的雲霧,象徵擺脫體內濕氣困擾。
• 月和好:北極熊與少女在初春的冰原中相遇,北極熊坐在地上望著少女,少女將手中的圍巾圍在北極熊的脖子上,兩人腳下的冰雪融去,露出淡黃色的土地及剛長出來的小花小草,以冰雪象徵生理期的不適,並用圍巾、融雪來表示「溫暖」來臨,強調舒緩生理痛的功效。
• 協和音:百靈鳥圍繞著少女一起歌唱,以幽靜的森林做為背景,以「寧靜」襯托「歌聲」,強調聲律動保養喉嚨的功效。
• 夢靜恬:少女躺在綿羊形狀的星雲上,和綿羊一起安然地沈睡,背景以星球、宇宙襯托出寧靜氛圍,以不規則的形狀襯托出美夢的形象。
• 輕極氣:鯨魚與少女一起在海裡舒適地游泳,逐漸向海面浮出,希望可以用,以「水」及「空氣」的對比,並用氣泡感的背景輪廓強調寬悟氣「提升肺活量」的功效。
• 自然光:少女從花瓣中甦醒,以花的粉色、自然光的白色搭配,強調「自然光」改善氣色的功效。
• 輕自在:粉嫩色系的蝴蝶,與少女一起在空間翩翩起舞,以蝴蝶的柔美,傳達「纖細」、「輕盈」的意象。
• 漫拾光:在金黃的月光之下,少女凝視著月亮,遠處一隻雪白色的貓頭鷹目光炯炯,以深夜、月光、貓頭鷹強調漫拾光明目的功效。 全系列帶著夢幻的氛圍,同時也透過動物不同的特性強調產品的機能系,八款產品一字排開相當引人目光,在保有系列感的同時,亦保留了產品的獨特。

Soilavie, composed of the French words “Soil” and “La vie,” signifies the harmonious coexistence between “soil” and “life.” It symbolizes the close relationship between natural vitality and a friendly environment.
Savoring a sip of nature, every mouthful embodies kindness and continuity.

The entire series carries a dreamy atmosphere while emphasizing the functional aspects of the products through the unique characteristics of animals. With eight products lined up side by side, they captivate attention. While maintaining a sense of unity within the series, each product retains its distinctiveness.

The standard font takes inspiration from the delicate and graceful posture of herbal plants, with soft strokes resembling stems and leaf stalks. Simultaneously, to enhance the impression of traditional Chinese medicine, strokes imitating ancient cup vessels are incorporated. Overall, it exudes both resilience and gracefulness reminiscent of herbal plants.

The packaging showcases the distinctive features of each product through the presentation of animals interacting with teenage characters. It possesses a fresh and natural aesthetic with a touch of dreaminess and fairy tale ambiance.

– Comfort Light: A teenage girl rides a white dove, exhaling condensed cold air while overlooking the misty mountains and valleys below, symbolizing relief from internal dampness.

– Moon Harmony: A polar bear meets a teenage girl in the early spring on an ice floe. The polar bear sits on the ground, and the girl wraps a scarf around its neck. As the ice and snow beneath their feet melt away, revealing pale yellow land and newly sprouted flowers and grass, the ice and snow represent discomfort during the menstrual period. The scarf and melting snow signify the arrival of “warmth,” emphasizing the soothing effect on menstrual pain.

– Harmonious Melody: Skylarks sing together around a teenage girl amidst a tranquil forest backdrop, highlighting the effects of maintaining vocal health through the rhythm of sound.