
Mesona Tea Shop

  • 手搖飲品牌識別系統設計丨品牌應用設計丨攝影企劃丨廣告文案




拍攝企劃前端,為了將傳統記憶中的古早味甜品,與獨特茶飲的調配下,帶來的創新口感呈現出來,設定運用光影、道具、食材相互搭配,且拍攝一連串手作仙草的製作過程,帶出食用健康、無負擔的產品形象,期盼透過照片的成果,加深消費者對於品牌為天然嫩仙草的感受,替大家帶來最樸實自然的好味道。仙草香氣瀰漫,飄散在空氣中,在此刻 與我們一起沈浸在茶飲間…

Back to the simple and pure, insisting on handmaking its products: “Mesona Tea Shop”
The core of the brand is built on the concept of health, paying attention to the source of every raw material, carefully selecting each (), making sure the production process is fully organic, never missing the elements of love and wellbeing. The brand preserves the traditional flavors while adding in unique blends of tea to innovate a new taste, without compromising its simplicity and purity, thus pouring in wholehearted into each bite of grass jelly

The logo design uses simple color blocks and lines to represent the appearance of grass jelly. The branch in the middle symbolizes how grass jelly solidifies in the cooking process. The main color scheme uses a calm dark green and brown as the auxiliary color, representing the dedication involved in the careful selection of the tea and the mesona plant along with its 6-8 hours of continuous boiling.

The auxiliary graphics uses mesona plant branches, tea leaves, grass roots and marked dials as the main elements. The DM is designed as a publication, outlining the backstory of how the brand come to be as well as the expertise used in each step of the production, conveying the brand’s commitment to health behind each and every translucent and tender grass jelly.

The photography scheme uses a careful combination of lighting, props, and ingredients to portray how the brand brings together the traditional flavor of this sweet with unique blends of tea to innovate a new taste. Furthermore, the series of photoshoots of the grass jelly-making process reinforces the brand’s commitment to health and wellbeing for the consumer. All in all, the hope is to convey the dedication in bringing the consumer a most simple and natural grass jelly taste.

The scent of grass jelly diffuses into the air of the tearoom, immersing us into its aroma….