
Cha We talk

  • 連鎖手搖飲品牌識剐系統設計丨攝影企劃丨廣告文案 | 品牌應用設計

茶,從遙遠的過去到現在,一直都是維繫人與人情感的媒介。坐下來一起喝杯好茶,無論第一次見面,好久不見,或常常相見, 隨著喝茶的瞬間,空氣裡的氛圍,彷彿也隨著當下品茶的愉悅,而緩緩升溫…


倆茶詞,以「守住好茶的本質,連繫人與人的關係」為初衷,傳遞「我倆」、「飲茶」、「談詞」的理念,享受 . 喝茶,是一種回歸根本對「茶」的品質與堅持;一起 . 喝茶,是人與人日常生活中溫暖而沒有距離的分享;因為 . 喝茶,傳達心意的話語或生活靈感的力量,從此被喚醒。




From the distant past to the present, tea has always been the medium that sustains the emotions between people. Sit down and have a good cup of tea. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just met someone for the first time, or maybe both of you haven’t seen each other for a long time, or perhaps you meet often. Whichever it may be, the moment you take a sip of that tea, the atmosphere shifts. The air is filled with warmth from the enjoyment of every drop…

Ever drawing us closer to each other, and every word a gateway to yet another wonderful memory.

Cha We Talk is originally built on the intention of “guarding the essence of the quality of tea and connecting people”. It conveys the concepts of “Togetherness”, “Drinking Tea”, and “Conversation”. Enjoy . Drinking Tea is the fundamental way to return to the roots of the preservation of the quality of “Tea”. Together . Drinking Tea refers to the warmth and intimacy in sharing everyday life. Because . Drinking Tea conveys the power of tea to awaken the meaning behind words and bringing out the inspiration in life.

Not only has the brand carefully selected teas with origins in Taiwan, thus providing the most organic and fresh leaf extracts, but it also has spent countless hours combining fresh local ingredients to develop a most unique and innovative tea experience. Thus, combining people with the warmth of life, the essence of pure tea, and the aroma of fresh flowers and fruits, paving the way to the new era of tea in this generation.

We’d like to invite you, from this moment, to slow down a little

And taste the wonderful vigor in ” Cha We Talk.”