

  • 中式喜餅禮盒包裝設計 | 攝影企劃/li>

緣定・囍 八角提盒設計,整體以象徵家庭美滿的海棠花為設計架構,將「喜」字帶入古代新人成婚時頭戴的官帽、鳳冠頭飾,穿著禮服配戴繡球彩帶的設計元素,以圖像色塊方式呈現,融合充滿台灣文化的窗花與星空圖示,代表新人的婚姻幸福美滿且雋永不變。

“Emperor” was founded in 1997 dedicated to the baking of traditional pastries for all occasions. Inheriting the Han legacy, the brand continues to evolve with the times, adjusting to the changing wedding etiquettes, striving to develop a pastry that crosses the various epochs.

The “Destiny/Joy” octagonal giftbox is based on the design structure of the begonia flower, which symbolizes a harmonious and joyful family. The Chinese letter “喜”is incorporated using color blocks into the various design elements: groom’s hat, the bride’s headdress, and the wedding attire. In combination with cut-out patterns and celestial symbols, the design hopes to convey the everlasting joy of the newlyweds.

The design concept on the four facets of the gift box utilizes the customary items in traditional ancient marriages: the fan thrown out on the wedding day, the hairpins worn by the bride, the wedding cups for the newlyweds and the lanterns and embroidered balls on the doorposts for decoration. All these incorporate the traditional elements of a wedding to create an extra layer of visual sensation, while at the same time, through the symbolism of each element, telling the rich tale of such festivity.

The color scheme is based on a dark red as the background with the bronzing of the Chinese letter “” in the front. Part of the design incorporates cut-out Chinese patterns to embellish the overall design, further emphasizing Taiwanese festive culture, with the hope that all who receive the gift can partake in the joyous moment of the newlyweds.