

  • 飲品品牌包裝設計









超男 無咖啡因、適合小孩、孕婦

小紅帽 手腳冰冷、上班族、懷孕婦女、頭昏腦脹
便蝠俠 長期熬夜、腸胃不佳、外食族、體力負荷大
白雪公主 便秘(排泄不順)、容易過敏、代謝差、皮膚暗沈

在這裡,不會再有使你揮之不去的恐懼,每個角落,都有溫暖,都有親切。我們只想讓你擁有健康亮白的牙齒,重拾一份自信的微笑。 整體設計採用自然色系配色,活潑又有溫度的呈現。圖騰採用牙齒的意象,直覺性的反應店家本質,搭配色彩展現出親切的氛圍。英文字體選用襯線字,加強專業及穩重的概念。整體視覺以圓形為主,代表病人與醫療體系間的良好互動,圓滑且親切。

The playful theme of the packaging design provides a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the ingredients of the drink, giving each product a distinctive personality. The vivid personality of the brand represents the rich nutrition that it brings to the consumer. Using a more child-like illustration to deeper impress happiness into the memory of the consumer.

The “Red Bean” appearance works as the core concept and combined with a playful design provides a smooth and warm font.

Product Content and Functionality
To attract consumer attention, the contents of the product and the uniqueness of the ingredients are described with humor and simplicity

Image Design
The face takes on the shape of a bean to further strengthen the characteristics of ingredients and at the same time drawing out the features of the main role.

Brand Recognition
The brand’s color and font along with the red bean shape bring out the vitality of the brand.

The choice of high saturation colors provides the consumer with a sense of happiness and satisfaction upon the consumption of the beverage.

Brand Purpose/Target Market
In recent years, with the rise of the fresh drinks market, there has also been a rise in health awareness. The youth no longer only pay attention to the flavor of drinks, but have also become concerned with quality and value. Therefore, the brand seeks to use a child-like visual design in the packing to attract this market sector. Furthermore, since the Taiwanese brand has a focus on quality and production of healthy and delicious beverages, the brand seeks to provide the younger generation with a healthier alternative. Since they are overcome with pressures of life and have no leftover time or energy, the brand can cater to both the desire to have a leisurely drink and at the same time keeping healthy.

Selection of Ingredients
The brand adheres to the values of organic production, freshness, health and avoids the use of pesticides and chemical ingredients. The type of beans has been carefully selected and passed through rigorous testing standards to provide you with the most organic, pure and natural taste.

Superman – no caffeine, suitable for children, pregnant women
Superman has unlimited endless strength which requires constant consumption of energy. Without any tea or caffeine added, you can still have the superman-like strength without reliance on caffeine. With fresh milk added, you can taste the perfect combination of red bean and fresh milk, with all its purity and fragrance.
Little Red Riding Hood – Cold hands and feet, white-collar worker, pregnant women, dizziness
The Little Red Riding Hood chooses from Taiwan’s highest quality of Wandan’s red beans, rich in folic acid and iron, just like the little girl, full of courage and vitality. Low calories and no burden to the body, the Little Red Riding Hood provides you with the spirit of adventure.
Batman – all-nighters, poor digestion, people who eat-out, constant physical overload
Batman has extraordinary will and physical prowess that can solve any late-night fatigue as well as any defecation problem, so you no longer have to sit on the toilet for hours. Just like Batman, ready to face any trials, quench any thirst and quickly remove any body waste.
Snow White – Constipation (unsmooth excrement), allergies, poor metabolism, dull skin

White translucent fairy tale role, non-snow princess must go. Red barley can improve the skin, giving you a “snow white” skin quality. It also helps to alleviate body edema, while improving the body’s metabolism. It is as if the drink itself can make you like Snow White, with a vibrant skin just as smooth and pure.
