
Lao Tian Zhuang

  • 手搖飲連鎖品牌識別系統設計 | 品牌重塑





“Lao Tian Zhuang” originated from the 1968 brand Bai Mien Dong Carambola Juice, inheriting the brand’s ideals of freshness, health and organic, and thus retaining the original taste and flavor of Taiwanese carambola juice. Adding to it, is a multi-faceted innovative approach of making this beverage so it can be available into every hand and every corner of the world.

The brand design strategy leans towards a more simplistic Japanese style, defining the brand’s positioning as professional and reputable. The outside circular frame uses the star shape of carambola as an outline, to preserve the original ideals of the brand, while using the Chinese character “田”, representing the fields of the farms, connecting the viewers with the farmlands and the ingredients of nature.

In terms of fonts, the design was rearranged to meet the needs of the target market, resulting in a balance in the proportion of the calligraphy of the font. Overall, more pleasing to the sight and having a philosophy of its own, while retaining the warmth and sophistication of the brand.

The color scheme is based on a combination of the warm earth colors and fresh colors of the carambola fruit, together giving the consumer the sensation of nature and health, vigor and bliss.

The concept in auxiliary designs is to utilize the farmland’s field patterns to create a warm, welcoming, natural, simplistic and classic brand image, symbolizing 50 years of “Lao Tian Zhuang”, tracing every ounce of harvest into the unique flavor of the drink.